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About Us

Our approach at Matt Trawinski Contractors is simple.  Basically we provide almost every trade needed to complete your project with one crew. We subcontract very little on our projects. When we do subcontract, these subs are managed by our main crew. They are watched closely to ensure they meet our expectations in both timing and quality.  Because of this, you, as the homeowner, receive a service that is rare to the industry.  We control the timing, pricing, and manage day to day changes. In addition, we provide reasonable and creative solutions that can be implemented immediately should unforeseen situations arise on your project.  Time delays become negligible, pricing remains stable and price increases, when necessary, are very reasonable.  Your family will immediately become familiar with those working in your house, from the first day forward.  The duration of the work contracted is specified in your detailed written proposal and is rarely questioned once we commence work.  Most times a customer’s only complaint is they are exhausted trying to keep up with the selections that must be made quickly due to our expedience.  Another complaint is that past customers miss our crew once they’re gone.  What better compliment can a construction crew receive than this!

Should you choose our services, you will find that we are very reliable.  Our work and the materials we use are of high quality.  I, the owner, Matt Trawinski, have been raised on construction sites; building homes and performing a variety of alteration work since the age of fourteen. Because of this, I have been exposed to all facets of the building industry.  This has enabled me to acquire the experience needed to achieve a quality of workmanship that far surpasses average.

Besides my hands on experience, I have earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (formerly Newark College of Engineering).  In addition, I have also received certification from the Department of Community Affairs for successfully completing the RCS course.  This course deals primarily with the understanding and implementing of building codes for both residential and light commercial work in the state of New Jersey. This is the same course that is a requirement to practice as a licensed building inspector in the state of NJ.  More recently, in order to better serve my clients, I returned to school and successfully added the credential of Licensed Master Plumber and HVAC in the State of New Jersey to my name.  Lastly, having the Electrical license as part of the company completes our ability to provide a full service.  The HVAC License gives my company the ability to maintain, design, install and supply heating/ air conditioning, humidification, dehumidification and air filtration.     

Recognizing all this and including a crew that is just as extremely devoted, very talented, creative and pleasantly humorous we can streamline your tasks at hand.

I assure you that the work we do is of quality.  I feel confident about my working knowledge in the field as well as my hands on experience.  I have been in my own business since 1987. 

In closing, on average, homeowners will experience one major renovation in their lifetime.  We take your project very serious no matter how big or small it may be.  We try and give each project the attention it requires.  If quality workmanship in a timely manner is what you desire, then Matt Trawinski Contractors LLC should be your first choice.  Let your construction project be the shortest and sweetest it can possibly be.


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